The One Where I blinked and it’s now 2024

Here we are. January 1st 2024. 2023 passed by so fast that I feel like I hardly got a chance to get to know it. I know that isn’t true. 2023 was a busy year and we (I) did a lot. Multiple boxes got checked and items “on the list” got crossed off. It was…

The One Where I Go As Far Away From Home As I Ever Plan To Be..

Those that know me know that I am big into traveling. It is something instilled into me by my parents who made a point to take me all sorts of places when I was growing up. Mind you.. “all sorts of places” translates to endless road trips all over the mid-Atlantic and new England parts…

The one where Holy Shit it has been two years since I last posted..

I didn’t think it was that long.. I thought I had put something here at some point over the last long while… But I guess not… So.. this is a quick note to say that YES I am still very much alive. NO I did not abandon this place. Things are going fine.. Life is…

The One Where Everything Has Changed

It’s 4:30am. I want to say it’s Monday morning but since I have not slept yet to me it is really Sunday night. Outside the first big snow storm of 2021 is going on. It’s cold in the house so I’m laying with the dog on the couch under blankets. She is keeping me warm….

The One Where I’m Still Alive

Yes, I am still alive. No I didn’t abandon this blog. I actually think about it often and have the urge to write something for it. Those moments (as always) are when I am in the least favorable position of actually sitting down to write anything. So.. ideas and things float away with the wind….

The one where Hackers are stupid

Not those guys. Those guys are cool. Zero Cool and Acid Burn Foreva. I’m talking about the other Hackers.. the lame ones who are pestering me right now. So for <reasons> I’ve recently become much more knowledgeable and good about WordPress security. When I set this site up I just threw it up, made some…

The one where I write about not writing

So.. It’s been 18 months since my last post. I guess that whole thing about wanting to write more didn’t happen. Lolz and stuff. Rather than offer excuses I am goign to present to you a top 10 list of reasons why I have not been writing much on here. In no particular order. I…

365-Of-2017 January 8th

So I just came back in from watching the dog run all over the back yard. Just this weekend she graduated from having to be on the leash all the time to getting free reign over the fenced in property. Supervised, of course. It was late and the stars looked nice. I sat down in…

How I cook Epic Steak using Sou Vide

In the interest of a free and informative internet I will post my full method for how I cooked the most Epic steak in my relatively short life. This is one of two methods I currently use for cooking steak. My other method uses indirect grilling and a spice blend of my own creation. I’ll…

365-Of-2017 January 1st

So I am sitting here watching the end of The Martian while my new dog and daughter play at my feet. It’s been a pretty quiet and somewhat productive 1st day of the year. I am reaching the end of my annual holiday break and I am really not ready to go back to the…